Cobra tests VoIP on free software
Project of help desk in vigor in the company has 60 linked positions of attendance for free software. Idea is to ripen the solution and to offer services to the market.
Cobra Technology, company of YOU of the Bank of Brazil, is testing a project of call to center using of voice on IP on platforms of free software.
Elaborated in Asterisk, the project encloses 60 positions of attendance of call to center passive kept for the area of services of Cobra for a external customer. For the model, the call arrives at call to center way traditional net of communication and is distributed for each position of attendance for the system of VoIP on free software.
In accordance with Luiz Fuzaro, manager of the division of development of applicatory software of the company., free software substituted the plates of communication of high cost that would be necessary to keep the system functioning. Moreover, he decided some of the limitations of the URAs, as the size of the voice messages, that could not very be great in the conventional systems.
“With the platform of free software he had more flexibility. The user can record the message of the size that to desire and to only include in the hard disk”, says. Today the attendance positions, based in Rio De Janeiro, take care of about 1500 calls per day.
The project was born of the strategy of the company to line up all its systems in free software. Between the benefits, beyond the reduction of expenses - Fuzaro esteem that the project cost 50% of the least of what the equivalent with the communication plates - they are quality of the voice net and trustworthiness of the system. “Call to center has for standard called intermediate duration, since the attendants need to decide the problems of the customers. Then, it is necessary stability to the model”, complements Fuzaro.
However, the company needed to deal with significant challenges to keep the system in operation, between them the integration with the existing platforms already. “One of the main tasks was in integrating free software with existing closed standards already as Cisco and Avaya. But passed this phase, the service is satisfactory”, points.
The idea from now is to expand the tests of the model for other areas of attendance and, future, to offer to the market relacioados services to the solution.
Source: Computer World
Cobra tests VoIP on free software