Immediate benefits favor dissemination of VoIP
Segundo enquete carried through by the Reseller Web, searchs for alternative to the traditional telephony also detaches resources adds of technology IP
In accordance with enquete carried through by the Reseller Web, more than 23.7% of the readers bet in the immediate benefits of the voice technology on IP as main alternative to the traditional telephony, in 2007.
Already for 18,5% of the respondents, telephony IP presents advantages in relation to the VoIP. Of this total, 13.2% point the resources add of the technology as handspike for its dissemination between the corporative market, in this year, while 5.3% justify the preference for being a more lasting alternative.
In the opinion of most of the readers (55%), however, the business-oriented chances can in such a way be found in voice solutions on IP how much in telephony IP.
To complement the survey, 2.6% of the respondents had detached the VoIP as main alternative in telephony for 2007, on account of the sprouting of new operators.
In accordance with Júlio Puschel, analyst-senior of the The Yankee Group, the traffic of voice for IP in Latin America must reach 16,420 billion minutes, in 2009, against 1,009 billion, added in 2005, when the technology gave its first steps in the region. They is esteem that Brazil corresponds 50% of this volume.
Source: Reseller Web
Immediate benefits favor dissemination of VoIP
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