quarta-feira, 18 de abril de 2007

Cobra tests VoIP on free software

Project of help desk in vigor in the company has 60 linked positions of attendance for free software. Idea is to ripen the solution and to offer services to the market.

Cobra Technology, company of YOU of the Bank of Brazil, is testing a project of call to center using of voice on IP on platforms of free software.

Elaborated in Asterisk, the project encloses 60 positions of attendance of call to center passive kept for the area of services of Cobra for a external customer. For the model, the call arrives at call to center way traditional net of communication and is distributed for each position of attendance for the system of VoIP on free software.

In accordance with Luiz Fuzaro, manager of the division of development of applicatory software of the company., free software substituted the plates of communication of high cost that would be necessary to keep the system functioning. Moreover, he decided some of the limitations of the URAs, as the size of the voice messages, that could not very be great in the conventional systems.

“With the platform of free software he had more flexibility. The user can record the message of the size that to desire and to only include in the hard disk”, says. Today the attendance positions, based in Rio De Janeiro, take care of about 1500 calls per day.

The project was born of the strategy of the company to line up all its systems in free software. Between the benefits, beyond the reduction of expenses - Fuzaro esteem that the project cost 50% of the least of what the equivalent with the communication plates - they are quality of the voice net and trustworthiness of the system. “Call to center has for standard called intermediate duration, since the attendants need to decide the problems of the customers. Then, it is necessary stability to the model”, complements Fuzaro.

However, the company needed to deal with significant challenges to keep the system in operation, between them the integration with the existing platforms already. “One of the main tasks was in integrating free software with existing closed standards already as Cisco and Avaya. But passed this phase, the service is satisfactory”, points.

The idea from now is to expand the tests of the model for other areas of attendance and, future, to offer to the market relacioados services to the solution.

Source: Computer World

Cobra tests VoIP on free software

IPTV, VoIP and broad band in high

São Paulo - Using residences of IPTV, VoIP and broad band must more than to fold in next the five years in the world.

According to forecasts of eMarketer, the IPTV that in 2006 possuía 4,9 million users in everybody, must close the year of 2011 with a total of 41,1 million subscribers residences.

In the use of Voice on IP the phenomenon will have to be happened again: the number of domiciliary subscribers in the world all will go up of 37,8 million for 152,6 million in five years.

The broad band, most popular of the three technologies will see its adepts jumping of 251,1 million in the year passed to 497,4 million in 2001.

Source: Info Abril

IPTV, VoIP and broad band in high

Skype convokes companies to test system of corporative VoIP

Target a thousand employees are company with more than 1, who go to help the Skype to draw the product in accordance with the necessities of the market.

The Skype is in the initial period of training of a test for a corporative version of its service and, for this, it convokes interested in a program of early to adopter more than between corporations with 1 a thousand used.

“At this moment, we are in a sufficiently initial period of training of a test for corporative offers and the Skype is inviting one limited company number to be part of this program of adoption”, said an official notice of the Skype divulged yesterday.

The text was not divulged in the institucional site of the company, but he has been divulged for a series of blogs and was sent to the Computerworld after requested.

“We are anxious for hearing the corporative users in this initial period of training of form who can have certainty of that we really create a great product that the people would like to use”, she complements the official notice.

The spokesman of the company said that the interested companies must order an email for enterprisesolutions@skype.net with details on its company and as it plans to use the Skype.

The service of the Skype already has attracted small e average companies, as it remembered the company. In December, the company acquired for eBay announced friendly resources to the corporative world in version 3.0 of the product so that controlling of YOU they could have greater has controlled on the use of the voice software on IP.

The services of the Skype help the enterprise market to get “cheaper linkings or gratuitous the millions of people in the whole world”, say the official notice of the company. “We want to work with companies of all the transports to help to develop the Skype and to make it still more easy to use - especially if this to help the corporations to save money and if to become more productive”.

The Skype service is alone an example in the ways for which the voice on IP is if proliferating, David Lemelin says, analyst of the consultoria In-Stat. The companies also are if coming back to the VoIP through the installation of switches of voice dedicated the IP or the purchase of housed services of VoiP of the great operators, the analyst exemplificou.

Source: Computer World

Skype convokes companies to test system of corporative VoIP

fisl: paranenses sell 30 times with Asterisk more

A product based on free software for voice on IP Asterisk in 2003 multiplied for 30 the volume of vendas of the paranaense iSolve. The company, before focada in security, embarked the system, creating a species of telephone exchange VoIP.

It marries it was part of the presentation of Kristian Kielhofner, vice president of Engineering of the Star2star American, who spoke on the business possibilities with systems opened for telephony in this thursday, 12, during fisl8.0. iSolve organizes the site AsteriskBrasil.org, today with 5 a thousand users, and uses 80 people.

Kielhofner - that it was contracted by the Star2star after to create on account proper a system based on Asterisk - made mention its personal history. “I turned the nights working in the project. My parents said “you are making this of favour, as he goes to pay its accounts”. In the end, he could have open my company, but I preferred offers of the Star2star”, told the professional. “I pay my accounts, I am necessary to finish with the idea that free software cannot generate profit”, it bought at auction.

The publisher of the Daily Baguete, Maurício Renner, makes the covering of fisl 8,0 in temp real. In the friday, 13, the journalist will be the mediator of the table that will deal with the market of work in the area of open source.

Kielhofner guarantees that paid its accounts with free software

Source: Baguete

fisl: paranenses vendem 30 times with Asterisk more

School will teach languages in the Second Life saw VoIP

Company constructed a proper island and will offer lessons with interaction.
New tool of voice will make possible sound of high quality in the virtual world.

The learning of a new done language in imersiva way, in a realistic environment and with native professors soon will be available on-line, in the virtual world Second Life. In September, the school of LanguageLab languages starts to offer to lessons of virtual English and Spaniard, with costs similar to those of the real world. “We find that it is very better to teach thus of what in a physical space, therefore has what not to offer itself in web of what in a classroom”, said the founder of the company, David Kaskel.

The students and professors will go to currently say and to listen to ones to the others using a VoIP technology (voice on IP) in tests and that she must be launched in the Second Life in June. Currently, the users who want to say with others avatares must have a program as the Skype installed in its machines. Now, this capacity will be enclosed in the software of the Second Life. The system reaches a bigger variety of frequencies acoustics (of 50 the 14 a thousand hertz) that the normal telephony, and will go to benefit the learning of languages -- some consonants have an information acoustics that occurs in frequencies higher than those caught by a telephone.

Kassel is a veteran user in the Second Life, and its idea for the school appeared behind about one year and way. The LanguageLab, headquartered in London, will receive avatares from the students in its island in the virtual world, where an entire city was constructed. Avatares must meet with its professors for activities in at great length realistic hotels, bars, clubs, offices and store. The lessons will have about 50 minutes, some times during the week, and the students will have to socialize with its colleagues and will be able to enroll themselves in extra courses.

The voice in the Second Life also will be 3D, what it means that the sound of avatares that they are close will go to seem higher of what of that they are more distant. The system makes this when modifying in accordance with the sound of a particular user the position of its avatar. Also it has a way that it will allow to conferences and readings.


When the sound capacities had been announced in February, many users had complained. For they, to listen to the voices of the others avatares and to have that to speak it would break the potentiality of the world, taking them for not required aspects of the reality, with real characteristics as sex, identity and nationality. “To be forced to use the voice in a virtual world, something that is not of my choice, against my wishes, seems a final blow”, wrote the user Prokofy Neva.

To teach languages in the Second Life has an advantage on other methods based on web, of blogs and podcasts the text colloquies, that impressed professors of are: the virtual world brings a direction of place, bringing to the learning a sensation more human being, a better experience of socialization on-line.

The LanguageLab is not the first school in the virtual world: a variety of educators already offers diverse languages. But the company is the biggest private school of languages if on the basis of to venture and the first one to be constructed the sound capacities. Kassel, its founder, waits to offer lessons of other languages, and for this it intends to duplicate its initial space.

Source: G1

School will teach languages in the Second Life saw VoIP

TrinnPhone and Voiper make first fusing of the VoiP in Brazil

The Ideiasnet, holding of companies of YOU, announces the fusing of the TrinnPhone with the Voiper. With the union of the two company, had as the first one of the market of Brazilian VoIP, both start to act on the TrinnPhone mark. The focus will be the corporative segment, of small e average companies. The goal is to reach the leadership in the sector until the 2007 end.

Acquired for the Ideiasnet in 2005, the TrinnPhone demanded an investment of R$ 1 million with expectations to invoice R$ 10 million in 2008. With the junction, the IdeiasVentures will go to control 60% of the actions of the new company.

Partnership with the Officer
The company will launch this month through its partnership with the Officer a solution of voice and data integrated to the PABX for calls the low costs (that already it contemplates roteador, firewall, and 2 lines). With cost from only R$ 1 and accounts after-you pay, the TrinnPhone believes to still vender 30 a thousand units of the product this year.

Source: Baguete

quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2007

VoIP and MP3

The Rimax D-Luxe knows, a mixture of VoIP telephone and reader of MP3 with very good aspect! The small microphone still records voice and radio. But it breathes deep, because it is not everything what the D-Luxe offers…

This is also a small DAP that has two exits for radio headphones, to partilhar its music with another person. How ideia likeable! Also it reads videos in MP4 and it shows them in ecrã of 1,8 counts. It brings two games, a altifalante and still leaves to see it photos in JPG and GIF.

With 1 GB or 2 GB of memory, good the least is that the 4 6 hours of battery are very little for everything what we can make with it. It is recharged by USB 2,0 and still it reproduces MP1, MP2, WMA, WMV, ASF and WAV.

Source: T3

VoIP and MP3

Philips launches line of telephones with Skype in the Brazilian market

São Paulo - Company launches two similar devices to the traditional ones of fixed line, aiming the public who has privacy with PCs.
The Philips presented in this Wednesday (04/04) two telephones with Skype software, capable to make linkings saw web (VoIP).

VoIP 080 very is seemed the devices of common fixed telephony. Connected to the computer by means of a handle USB, it it can be used for all the commands of the Skype, excusing the necessity of the keyboard or the screen of the computer. According to company, the idea is to also offer to the benefits of the VoIP the people who are not familiar with PCs, as the aged ones.

Between its functions it is the ClearVoice, that promotes the “cleanness” of the sound, approaching the experience with linkings saw Internet of the traditional calls. The device is available in the market for the suggested price of 159 Reals.

Another newness is VoIP 3211, device without wire that also can be used for traditional lines (the choice is made by means of a button in the proper device). It synchronizes functions as list of contacts and identification of call of the program in the proper screen.

The device functions in a distance of up to 300 meters of the base, on to the PC for handle USB, in free field - inside of a house, this distance is of 20 the 30 meters. The battery has duration of 10 hours approximately.

According to manufacturer, the device arrives at the Brazilian market still in this April month and will cost 439 Reals. It already was launched in the Europe and in Asia he has three months.

The expectation of the Philips is of that the launchings, that will be imported of Asia, result in an increase of 10% in vendas of its line of domestic communication.

Source: IDG Now

Philips launches line of telephones with Skype in the Brazilian market

Ceará opens licitation for VoIP service

In next day 9 to May, the Government of the State of the Ceará will launch notice with invitation to bid to renew the Net Governmental of Data and Images (Regov), infrastructure that establishs connection the public agencies. The project foresees the implementation of the voice service goes up IP and installation of one all backbone in the State, following the adopted model already in Pernambuco.

Values and stated periods of the contract had not been divulged. Currently, the Ceará is taken care of by the operator Telemar (Grupo Oi), but the contract is successful in July since year.

The Etice (company of Technology of the Information of the Ceará) will be the responsible one for the licitation of the Regov. According to Fernando Carvalho Gomes, director of the Etice, the State of the Ceará intends to modernize all the public net with telephony for the Internet, also using resources of the Skype and video under demand. With the new net, Gomes advances the possibility to introduce digital TV on IP.

The pertaining to the state of Ceará public universities already use service IP in videoconferência (video and voice) for international linkings. The proposal is to extend to the solution other nets and to add the Skype in local linkings.

Another initiative of the Ceará is the union of the technological polar regions northeasterns. René Teixeira Barreira, secretary of the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the State of the Ceará (Socitece), will present in the InfoBrasil event, that happens between days 23 and 26 of May, in $fortaleza, the base of the program of regional cooperation.

Source: IDG Now

Ceará opens licitation for VoIP service

Immediate benefits favor dissemination of VoIP

Segundo enquete carried through by the Reseller Web, searchs for alternative to the traditional telephony also detaches resources adds of technology IP

In accordance with enquete carried through by the Reseller Web, more than 23.7% of the readers bet in the immediate benefits of the voice technology on IP as main alternative to the traditional telephony, in 2007.
Already for 18,5% of the respondents, telephony IP presents advantages in relation to the VoIP. Of this total, 13.2% point the resources add of the technology as handspike for its dissemination between the corporative market, in this year, while 5.3% justify the preference for being a more lasting alternative.

In the opinion of most of the readers (55%), however, the business-oriented chances can in such a way be found in voice solutions on IP how much in telephony IP.

To complement the survey, 2.6% of the respondents had detached the VoIP as main alternative in telephony for 2007, on account of the sprouting of new operators.

In accordance with Júlio Puschel, analyst-senior of the The Yankee Group, the traffic of voice for IP in Latin America must reach 16,420 billion minutes, in 2009, against 1,009 billion, added in 2005, when the technology gave its first steps in the region. They is esteem that Brazil corresponds 50% of this volume.

Source: Reseller Web

Immediate benefits favor dissemination of VoIP

Operator of VoIP installs public telephones IP in the slum quarter of Paraisópolis

São Paulo - Community in São Paulo will have to the disposal eight cabin to make linkings with discounting of up to 60% in relation the orelhão.

The operator of telephony IP Tellfree goes to inaugurate in day 4 of April a telephonic rank with eight cabin in the slum quarter of Paraisópolis, one of the greaters of the city of São Paulo.

In the rank, the inhabitants will be able to make local linkings saw voice on IP for fixed telephones, at the cost of 13 Real cents the minute, and linkings of long distance for any place in Brazil, at the cost of 39 Real cents the minute, for fixed telephones.

Arthur Corrêa, responsible in the Tellfree for the project, that was made in partnership with the Communitarian Center of the slum quarter, said in an official notice to the press that the community was chosen by being very populous and for the great number of inhabitants come of other states.

Segundo Corrêa, the cost of the linkings arrives to be cheaper 60% in relation to the orelhão. The center goes to function of second a Saturday, of the 8 to the 22 hours, and the sundays, of the 8 to the 13 hours. To help the inhabitants to effect the linkings, it will always have an operator. The Tellfree acts all in 171 cities in the Country.

Source: IDG Now

Operator of VoIP installs public telephones IP in the slum quarter of Paraisópolis

Siemens announces telephone without wires that allows called VoIP and in the fixed net

The Siemens today announced the launching of the first telephone without VoIP wires (voice on Internet) that also she allows to make called through the fixed net.

In official notice, the Portuguese Siemens indicates that this telephone functions as a traditional telephone without wires, but is on in such a way to the fixed net as to the Internet and allows to make called for same Internet without the computer to be on.

To alternate the way of telephone of fixed net enters and the VoIP way, is enough to pressure during a certain time a keyboard key, needs the Siemens.

Source: Publico.pt

Siemens announces telephone without wires that allows called VoIP and in the fixed net